Discover the Universe

Astrotourism in Granada

The largest telescopes in Andalusia available to the public


Explore the universe in the heart of Andalusia

Both for beginners in astronomy and for the more experienced, it is advisable to enjoy a guided experience with professionals or experts who advise you.

To do this, from Sky Andaluz we will help you take the first steps with guarantees of success, giving us all our love for the stars and the great astrotourism complex that we have built.

Descubre el universo gracias a los telescopios de Sky Andaluz, astroturismo único en Granada

Live a unique experience

You will have:


Passionate about astronomy that will give you a unique experience.


The best enclave in Andalusia for stargazing.


The largest telescopes in Andalusia available to the public.


Enjoy projections of scientific content created by the New York Museum of History itself.




A couple and their children
  • Up to 4 children
  • Presentation of the Universe
  • Observations


Price per person
  • Entrance per person
  • Presentation of the Universe
  • Observations


Limit 15 people
  • A personal or group visit
  • Presentation of the Universe
  • Observations


Our customers recommend us on Google Maps

ben ben
ben ben
Ce fut un immense plaisir de faire cet expérience, non seulement les équipements sont supers, mais c’est surtout l’amour, la passion , le partage de ce couple pour l’astronomie qui a irradié ma soirée, vous y serez reçu comme des amis. :-) 🙏
Armando Retamero
Armando Retamero
Una experiencia fantástica al igual que el trato de Flavia y Stefan. Sin duda volveré a repetir. Un regalo para recordar siempre.
vilar cathy
vilar cathy
Super accueil un beau moment Flavia et Stéphane sont passionnés et ce fut un réel plaisir . Un grand merci pour cette belle soirée. Je le conseille vivement.
Владимир Титарчук
Владимир Титарчук
Дякую за сімейний прийом, та пізнавальну подорож у Вчесвіт !!
Геннадий Демченко
Геннадий Демченко
Очень интересное место . Безумно интересные владельцы . Очень позитивные люди .
Michael F.
Michael F.
Un immense MERCI à Flavia et à Stéphane pour leur extraordinaire accueil, des precisions et accompagnement avant visite aux boissons chaudes de fin de soirée qui font un bien fou. Votre générosité, votre passion pour les mondes des étoiles et toutes les anecdotes qui font clin d'œil nous ont fait passer en famille un moment magique sous la voûte céleste de ce site superbe entre Malaga et Grenade que je recommande à tous les curieux, ou trop proche des villes... vous pouvez y aller les yeux grands ouverts pour une formidable expérience. Le bonjour de la région lyonnaise et continuer de nous émerveiller à travers vos paroles et ces télescopes!! À bientôt, Michael.
David López Jiménez (Orion)
David López Jiménez (Orion)
Sitio estupendo para ver las estrellas y aprender, la pareja que lo lleva es fantástica y te explica todo estupendamente. Vimos Saturno y la nebulosa de Orión y más cosas y volveremos en verano para seguir viendo más cosas. Muy recomendable
Antonio Alvarez
Antonio Alvarez
Sorprendente !!! Que Stephan y Flavia hayan traído a nuestra comarca una genial instalación para tener la oportunidad de observar y aprender aspectos del Universo. Son muy acogedores, y transmiten su conocimiento de una forma asequible para todo tipo de público. El telescopio es impresionante y se observan los detalles de los planetas, estrellas, galaxias, etc. Antonio Álvarez y Amparo Castro.
Josep Molina
Josep Molina
Wow, wow, wow... Esto no fue solo una visita a un Centro Astronómico, sino una experiencia personal, humana, llena de pasión, amor y entusiasmo. Stephan y Flavia, los fundadores y creadores del centro SON unas personas MARAVILLOSAS y entusiasmadas por el tema que saben muchísimo. Además, nosotros fuimos con nuestros hijos (y pensábamos que quizás se aburrirían) pero descubrimos que Flavia y Stephan tienen la capacidad de adaptarse super bien a quien le habla, ya sea explicar el Big Bang a mi hijo Pau (que después de la experiencia dijo que quería ser astrónomo, y Stephan casi lo adopta ;) o hablar de temas mucho más complejos si se lo preguntas. ¿Lo mejor para mi? La sensación de estar junto a familia, (ya que ellos son una encantadora pareja) Tuve la sensación de estar visitando a unos tíos lejanos que nos mostraban “sus juguetes astronómicos” para que todos, grandes y pequeños, pudiéramos descubrir el cosmos juntos! Una experiencia única, fuera de lo turístico y masificado. Una experiencia mágica de la que nos acordaremos toda la vida. Gracias de todo corazón estimados Stephan y Flavia

Scheduling of the visit

First hour - Presentation of the Universe

Inside the planetarium:

  • Its spherical projection and surround sound will delight the public while they enjoy projections of scientific content introducing the universe and the instruments that allow it to be discovered.
  • The film has been created by the New York Museum of Natural History.

Rest 15 min.

Second hour

  • The two largest Dobson telescopes in Andalusia available to the public.
  • The complex has two powerful Dobson-based reflecting telescopes with which to observe planets, nebulae, galaxies.

Rest 15 min.

Video photography (30 min)

  • Video session and / or photographs of what has been seen previously.
Vive una experiencia única conociendo más sobre el espacio gracias a las visitas guiadas de Sky Andaluz, observatorio astronómico en Sierra Nevada

What is astrotourism?

It is a different way of doing tourism ; an option to enjoy nature, and at the same time the mysterious magic of the night.

There is nothing more immense than the universe. That is why astronomy is a science with great possibilities and ways to enjoy it. In this sense, we find a multitude of options both for people who are passionate about this science, and who already have some experience, as well as those who are looking for start in astronomy for pleasure and curiosity about the sky around us.

This is where the role of astrotourism comes into play, bringing people of all ages closer to fascinating activities to learn about the mysteries of the universe and observe them from our small and amazing planet.

The sky changes every hour, and also significantly every season or depending on the phases of the moon. For this reason, this type of tourism never offers two equal experiences, and this is one of its great attractions.

Every time you enjoy an astronomy activity, you will see that the experience has been totally different from the previous one. And surely you will be impatient to feel the emotion of observing the night sky again at a different time.

Given the growing interest in enjoying this tourism , there are more and more activities and experiences to discover astronomical events that can only be observed from certain areas of the planet.

The companies that offer this type of activity take advantage of spaces and populations with little light pollution. Since these are the areas, they are the most suitable for making available to tourists all kinds of professional optical instruments for viewing the night sky.


Where can you practice astrotourism?

In order to enjoy all the emotions and knowledge that practicing astronomy gives us, it is important to travel to those places that allow us to contemplate the cosmos in all its splendor.

This search for adventures and new experiences is one of the motivations that move tourists to want to observe the sky from different places. Since as we said, there is no night like another. Finding a good place to offer astronomy activities is not exactly easy. It is true that there are many areas without light pollution where the night sky looks spectacular, but this is not the only thing to look for.

At Sky Andaluz we carefully study the location of our observatory. We had set out to find the perfect place to put our own large telescope, where the weather would not be an impediment.

After assessing the option of settling in Andalusia or in the south of Greece, we decided that Granada would be the perfect place to share our great passion and bring the night sky closer to families, couples, groups of friends or self-taught enthusiasts at the idea of contemplating the wonders that the universe hides.

The enclave of Alhama , where we are, is a place with extraordinary conditions to enjoy an unforgettable experience. We are surrounded by an incomparable landscape beauty, far from the big cities and their lights, and also from the pollution of large industries. This allows the environment to enjoy clean and bright skies.

Another of the attractions of our location to practice this tourism is its lofty geographical location, where the clouds disappear so that there is no obstacle in our astronomical observations.

For all those who plan their trips in search of new experiences, this location has the great advantage of being close to other idyllic places to contemplate the night sky , such as those found in the neighboring mountains of Jaén.